New Year – for many of us it means new challenges and new resolutions. To this end, we have prepared for you a set of video clips illustrating rehabilitation physioprophylaxis exercises. They demonstrate how we can stretch and strengthen our muscles, reduce...
Occupational risk Occupational risks are the probability of undesirable work-related events occurring that may cause negative health effects in workers as a result of occupational hazards present in the work environment or related to the way the work is performed....
Health and safety instructionsOHS instructions autoclave ohs manualOHS instructions pneumatic and with water bath Health and safety instructions for handling hazardous chemical mixturesOHS instructions aldehydesOHS instructions alcoholsOHS instructions amino acidsOHS...
Dear Academia, we would like to invite you to take part in a health programme aimed at employees of the University of Gdańsk concerning consultation with an allergologist. To sign up, click here Załączniki Plakat_konsultacje z alergologiem (592...
Dear Academy, We would like to encourage you to take advantage of the free participation in the flu vaccination programme organised for employees of the University of Gdańsk. The programme is dedicated to the first 100 people who sign up for the vaccination in...