About us

Main tasks:

  1. Performs the tasks associated with the occupational health and safety, fire prevention and radiological protection services at the University of Gdansk.
  2. Inspects workplace conditions and the compliance with occupational health and safety and fire protection regulations, advises those in charge of employees to remove identified accident hazards and occupational harm (burdensomeness) and deficiencies in occupational health and safety and fire protection, keeps the employer informed of identified occupational hazards.
  3. Performs periodic evaluations and analyses of the level of occupational health and safety, presents proposals for technical and organisational measures to improve workplace conditions and the level of fire protection.
  4. Participates in the identification of the circumstances and causes of accidents at work and student accidents during activities organised by the University and in the preparation process concerning post-accident documentation and conclusions resulting from  post-accident investigations, verifies the implementation of these conclusions, and prepares documentation of accidents on the way to and from work.
  5. Keeps records of employee and student accidents and occupational diseases.
  6. Participates in the assessment of occupational risks related to particular occupations and in the identification of particular occupations associated with measuring and testing in the work environment, and maintains measurement charts and records of these tests.
  7. Participates in the development of internal decrees, regulations and general instructions on occupational health and safety, the identification of the responsibilities – in terms of occupational health and safety – of those in charge of employees. Provides advice on detailed occupational health and safety instructions for particular occupations, fire protection instructions, assessments, expert reports and others in the field of fire protection, as well as provides guidance in the aforementioned area.
  8. Conducts initial occupational health and safety courses for newly recruited employees of the University and participates in the organisation of training in occupational health and safety, first aid and fire protection.
  9. Cooperates with the organisational units designated by the Rector to implement orders, notices, decisions and recommendations  of external control bodies regarding workplace conditions.
  10. Cooperates with the doctor in charge of preventive health care for employees, in  particular in the organisation of periodic medical examinations of employees and occupational health inspections with the doctor.
  11. Participates in occupational health and safety consultations and in the work of the Occupational Health and Safety Commission and committees set up to assess occupational health and safety and the condition of fire protection.
  12. Participates in the evaluation of investment projects involving the construction, reconstruction, modernisation and renovation of facilities and change of use of facilities, and participates in the acceptance committees for these facilities and equipment.
  13. Supervises the compliance of workplace activities with the work instructions and the maintenance of nuclear safety and radiological protection records, including those related to staff and other persons, present in the unit under exposure conditions, with the exception of radiological protection of patients undergoing treatment and diagnosis with ionising radiation.
  14. Supervises the fulfilment of the conditions allowing employees to be employed on a particular position, including the on-the-job training of employees in nuclear safety and radiological protection.
  15. Develops the plans for dosimetry measurements in the work environment and the measurements and records of individual doses and submits them to the head of the organisational unit for approval.
  16. Performs a preliminary exposure assessment of employees based on the results of individual dose measurements or dosimetric measurements in the work environment and presents it to the head of the organisational unit.
  17. Arranges for the equipment of the organisational unit with personal protective equipment, dosimetry and measuring apparatus and other equipment for the protection of workers against ionising radiation, as well as the supervision of the operation of dosimetry apparatus, warning signalling and the correct marking of areas of work with ionising radiation sources.
  18. Cooperates with on-site occupational health and safety officers, quality assurance programme implementers, fire and environmental services on protection against ionising radiation.
  19. Provides the head of the organisational unit with advice on protection against ionising radiation, appropriate to the nature of the activity and the type of qualifications held.
  20. Requests the organisational unit head to suspend work under conditions of exposure when the conditions of the permit or the requirements for nuclear safety and radiological protection are violated, and to inform the body that issued the permit.
  21. Supervises the proceedings resulting from the on-site emergency plan if a radiation incident occurs on the premises of the organisational unit.
  22. Supervises the handling of radioactive sources, nuclear materials and radioactive waste in the event of conversion of the organisational unit or termination of its activities, and informs the permitting body of violations of nuclear safety and radiological protection requirements in this regard.
  23. Maintains a storage facility for work/protective clothing and footwear and personal protective equipment.

Pursuant to separate provisions and the Organisational Regulations of the University of Gdańsk, the Occupational Health and Safety Office (BBPiOZ) reports, in terms of substantive supervision, directly to the Rector, while in terms of organisational supervision to the Deputy Chancellor for HR Affairs.


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