Harmful and burdensome factors

Work-related harmful factors are those agents whose exposure to a worker leads, or is likely to lead, to an occupational disease or other health issues. Burdensome factors are those agents which do not pose a threat to human life or health, but which hinder work or...

Warehouse for personal protective equipment

Administration Building Bażyńskiego 1a St. 80-309 Gdańsk Phone: +48 58 523 23 67, +48 58 523 23 45 e-mail: magazyn@ug.edu.pl Opening hours: The warehouse is open daily on UG working days from 7.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. NOTE: In order to collect the assortment from the...

Hot weather at work

In view of the summer season and the periodically high temperatures – above 28 °C indoors and above 25 °C outdoors – we would like to remind you to take care of the health of our employees. Please find attached some tips to keep in mind.
Free office massage for UG employees

Free office massage for UG employees

You are invited to participate in a health program aimed at employees of the University of Gdansk for a free office massage. The massage will be carried out by a massage technician. We invite you to sign up.  
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