Strona główna 5 Communications 5 Medical examinations – convenient dates of check-ups

Medical examinations – convenient dates of check-ups

Due to questions that have arisen, we would like to inform you, that the state of epidemic has been cancelled and has moved to a state of epidemic emergency.

Accordingly, it is possible for employees who wish to undergo periodic medical check-ups to do so. We encourage you to make referrals, give them to your employees and refer them to preventive medical examinations. In the current situation, we have great comfort in the free choice of place, date and time due to fewer people waiting in facilities and the statistically observed lower incidence of COVID-19.

In addition, we kindly ask you to pay attention to the most frequent errors in the issued referrals, such as: typos in the name, outdated name of the position, type and total number of factors, hazards present in the position.

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